Tone Tags
/j - joke
(lowercase) /mj - mostly joking
(all caps) /MJ - major joke
/qj - quarter joking
/ij - inside joke
/cj - coping joke
/dj - dad joke
/jov - jokingly overreacting
/lh - light-hearted
/jk - just kidding
/la - laughing
/bd - being dumb
/jk - just kidding
/dh - dark humour
/s or /sarc - sarcasm
/sat - satire
/c - copypasta
/t - teasing
/pf or /pl - playful
/silly - indicating silly tone
/pos - positive(ly)
/pc - positive connotation
/hap - happy
/cel - celebratory
/ex, /exc, or /! - excited
/ap - appreciate
/com or /comp - compliment
/info - informative
/srs - serious(/ly)
/gen or /g - genuine(ly)
/gq or /genq - genuine question
/gc or /genc - genuine confusion
/gs or /gens - genuine suggestion
/li - literal/literally
/re - related
/ot - off topic
/irre - irrelevant
/unr or /unre - unrelated
/unin - unintentional(ly)
/cfc - censored for comfort
/cfyc - censored for your comfort
/nsrs - not serious
/nr - not related
/nam - not actually mad
/nmay - not mad at you
/nm - not mad
/npa - not passive aggressive
/nav - not a vent
/nbr - not being rude
/nyf - not your fault
/nay - not at you
/nsb - not subtweeting
/nf - not forced
/naf - not actually forced
/nfta - not forced to answer
/npta - not pressured to answer
/nu - not upset
/nau - not actually upset
/nuay - not upset at you
/ny - not yelling
/ncm - not complaining
/nao - not an order
/ncb - not clickbait
/nfl - not flirting
/nab- not a brag
/nafx - not a flex
/naq - not a question
/nts - not this server
/nac - not a command
/ns or /nsarc - not sarcasm
/nt - not targeted
/nk - not okay
/ntar - not targeted
/naah - not at anyone here
/nbh - nobody here
/p - platonic(ally)
/r - romantic(ally)
/lov - loving(ly)
/qrp - queerplatonic(ly)
/fam - familial
/aff - affectionate
/ci - caring intent
/h or /hi - helpful intent
/sx or /x - sexual intent
/nsx or /nx - not sexual intent
/f - forced
/op - optional
/wc - with consent
/np - no pressure
/iac - if accepted
/neu - neutral
/ok - okay
/pm - partially mad
/am - actually mad
/m - mad
/ang - angry
/fu - furious
/lu - little upset
/neg - negative
/sad - sad/upset
/nc - negative connotations
/srd - scared
/pa - passive agressive
/dis - disgust
/th or /thr - threat
/derog - derogatory
/apa - apathetic
/b - bitter
/ly - lyrics
/cb - clickbait
/f - fake
/q - quote
/ref - reference
/d or /dir - directed
/tar - targeted
/rc - reclaimable
/ay - at you
/sg - suggestion
/cu or /curi - curious(ly)
/con - confused
/jw - just wondering
/hyp - hyperbole
/m - metaphor or metaphorically
/rh or /rt - rhetorical question
/i or /ir - ironic
/ex - exaggeration
/opn - opinion
/br - bragging
/fx - flex
/rh, /rt, or /rht - rhetorical question
/neu - neutral
/nt - no tone
/pm - partially mad
/am - actually mad
/vm - very mad
/fu - furious
/u - upset
/lu - little upset
/vu - very upset
/v - vent
/av - a vent
/neg - negative
/nc - negative connotations
/pa - passive aggressive
/th or /thr - threat
/der or /derog - derogatory
/apa - apathetic
/b - bitter
/dis - disrespectfully
/tan - tangent
/cm - complaining
/as -apologetic sorry
/cs -consoling sorry
/cf -comforting
/co -concern
/sym -sympathetic
/source or /src - referring to source
/wp - wrong proxy
/stim - the message is a stim / referring to stim
/tc, /ti, or /tic - the message is a tic/referring to tics
/disso, /diss, or /dis - disassociation
/derea - derealisation
/sys - relating to systems, being a system, or their system
/insys - referring to inside the system
/crosstalk - for when alters are talking with one another in frontspace and one is quoting the other
/amh - at my headmasters
/fsp - frontspace
/hsp - headspace
/iw - innerworld
/ew - external world
/otw, /orw, /otrw, or /ow - outerworld
/ms - meatspace
/switch, /switching, or /sw - referring to alters switching out
/nsys - not system related
/nptf - not pushing to front
/nas - not a system
Anything with /h in front makes it half. For example: /hj - half jokingAnything with /lh in front of it makes it light-hearted. For example: /lhs - light-hearted sarcasmAnything with /n in front of it is (unless stated otherwise on the list) not. For example: /nbr - not being rudeAnything with /pf the front means it’s playful. For example: /pft - playful teasingAnything with /v in front of it means it’s very. For example: /vpos - very positive, or on occasion: /vvpos - very very positiveAnything with /a in the middle means “actually”. For example: /nam - not actually mad
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